The Lyme test I had done @ the IGenex labs was negative. This is kind
of a blessing and a curse. A blessing because even tough there is a cure,
it is controversial, expensive and has horrific side effects. But the
curse is that it IS a curable disease, and if I had it, I could possibly
be cured. well, I don't have it. But there is good news!
My blood pressure has been holding steady at 134/72, despite the fact
that I juice and drink one whole head of celery with all the other
veggies every day. I check it twice @ Rite Aid bp machine every other day.
I have lost a teeny bit of weight. I weigh 196 now, down from 210 when I began this crazy journey.
I have NO muscle weakness in my chest, back or any limb.
My left arm was the most affected. It is completely normal.
NO coughing. the coughing was strange, it was almost involuntary. That is gone.
I have NO problems with muscle weakness/twitching in my cheeks or forehead.
I have more energy, but there is definitely a limit. When it is gone, it's gone.
But I am gaining more stamina every week.
My hands are able to hold onto things better, but I still have a bit of a loose grip. There is no weakness in either of my hands.
My voice is a bit horse once in a while. Not sure what is going on with that.
I am still having trouble swallowing, but all the weakness in my neck is gone.
I do have a tich of weakness in the very base of my tongue, that had disappeared,
but it is back just a tich. nothing scary like the previous tongue weakness.
My jaw is a bit stiff off and on, but I can talk!!!
Not sure what else to say, except Sunday morning I woke up and thought
"I feel 12 again! I want to go climb a tree!" That lasted about 30 minutes.
Juicing is work!
I praise the Lord for bringing me to this juicing program. Thank you Lord!!!