This week has been pretty difficult. The first 7-10 days is the most troublesome for new juicers. I'm a juicing newb. Juice newbs want to give up. They want to throw in the towel when the going gets rough. Throwing in the towel means eating fried chicken and having a steak! No one's gonna know, except your intestines! Well...I did throw in the towel for one little split second. I ate some fried chicken. Not sure which is worse in the vegan world, it must be steak, so naaah- it wasn't THAT bad. Except it was fried. Breaded and fried in corn oil. Reread that like you hear me saying fried as in an "It was AMAZING!" kind of way. Like I had never eaten fried chicken before kind of way. Yep- just one piece. I paid dearly for it though. I could feel it in my neck/throat for a few days.
It is just amazing to me that I could do that to myself, knowing what it at steak here...uh, on pun intended. I mean my theory is that my glutamates are too high in my brain, and when I limit them by eating a plant based diet, I keep them in check.
It's been working. Today was a fabulous example. Hardly any symptoms at all!
So what am I doing playing Russian Roulette? If my theory is right, then motor neurons die when I cannot keep the glutamates in check. They are gone forever.
Gone. Forever.
I blame it on marketing. Yep- I have been marketed to for at least 40 years. Who knows what kind of jingles are deep down in my brain singing "Eat that chicken-
you deserve it, your faaabulous, life is greeeeat, don't think about tomorrow!"
And the the images; don't get me started on the images. Cindy Crawford drinking Pepsi and looking sooo georgeous. Oh yeah- I had the mom who said "Eat all your food-children in Africa are starving." How I am supposed to go against that kind
of programming!
I'm fighting against everything I have been taught, and am told (even by my Doctor.)
Let me remind you of another thing. I LOVE MEAT! All kinds of meat. Not whale meat though. Technically that would be listed in the omega 3 oils column on any food chart. But I do love meat. I enjoy meat. I especially love Rib-eye. Oh. My mouth
is watering! Will I ever be able to eat a rib eye steak again? What was this post about? Oh yea, programming. Habits.
Habit are nasty things. In my life anyhow. Too many bad ones. I need some good ones, like juicing- and LOVING IT. Will I ever love it like I love Rib-eye? Maybe. Probably not. But I need to learn to and fast. Motor neurons are at steak. ;o)
Rom 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what [is] that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."