Surfing the internet tonight, I found this fantastic paper called
Equilibrium Theory by JG Goetz in the Townsend Examiner
Here is what he had to say about ALS. I did not know about the zinc-but I
requested to be tested for a deficency. This is EXACTLY what I have been thinking,
although he puts is quite eloquently.
"Curing ALS or MS requires climbing the “disease cliff” of functional exhaustions
and imbalances, and restoring homeostasis to all systems. Unfortunately, Western pharmaceuticals, which stimulate but do not nourish physiology, cannot repair and restore homeostatic mechanisms, and are probably not the answer to ALS and its complicated loss of zinc and Healing l Energy homeostasis. What is needed is the potency of pharmaceuticals somehow combined with the nourishment of nutrition (nature’s original and subtle chemistry) to bring functional exhaustions back
to life and functional imbalances back into equilibrium. Fortunately,
this can be done with what could be described as “super nutrition” – a synergy of functionally on-target and homeostatically balanced B vitamins, fatty acids, and trace metals (prime example, zinc and copper for ALS) produces a totally nourishing functional hyperactivity throughout affected systems, and thereby overcomes and washes away all functional hypoactivities and imbalances caused by past toxicants, traumas and deprivations. Anecdotally, this type of protocol restores healthy homeostasis permanently, but clinical studies are needed to prove this new paradigm.
One caveat for ALS. Unlike other chronic diseases where complete recovery is possible, ALS is extremely pernicious in nature – it involves motor neuron death, and dead cells are gone forever. Restoration of CuZnSOD synthesis, related zinc defenses and overall zinc and Healing l Energy homeostasis should halt the ALS disease process, but cannot reverse damage already done. Consequently, early intervention is necessary for a good ALS outcome."